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A.6 Literacy

High school graduates of SSU in CatbaloganThe largest percentage (62.6) of the population 7 years and over attended or completed elementary education only. This proportion is lower than in 1990 (64.0%).  The proportion of those who had no grade completed has decreased from 10.2 percent in 1990 to 6.6 percent in 1995.  The proportion that attended or completed pre-school increased from 1.6 percent in 1990 to 2.4 percent in 1995.

The proportion of those that reached or completed high school posted an increase from 16 percent in 1990 to 18.3 percent in 1995.  Similarly, the proportion of those that were academic-degree holders increased from 3.2 percent in 1990 to 4.5 percent in 1995.

The proportion of those that were academic-degree holders was higher among females (5.6%) than among males (3.5%).  On the other hand, the proportion of those that attended or completed elementary education only was higher for males (64.4%) than that for females (60.6%).

In 1994, the province has a simple literacy rate (10 years old and over who can read and write a simple message in any language or dialect) of 89.38 percent.  For the same year, the functional literacy rate (10 years old and over who have acquired higher level of literacy that includes not only reading and writing skills but also numerical skills and ability to participate fully and efficiently in community activities) of the province was 76.41 percent (see table 2).

Table 2.  Household Population 7 Years and Over by Highest Grade




Both Sexes







 No Grade Completed 16,989    7.19    13,029    5.86    30,018    6.55   
 Pre-School 6,080    2.57    5,074    2.28    11,154    2.43   
 Elementary 152,119    64.42    134,696    60.58    286,815    62.56   
 High School 39,882    16.89    43,934    19.76    83,816    18.28   
 Post-Secondary 1,116    0.47    1,282    0.58    2,398    0.52   
 College Undergraduate 10,364    4.39    10,425    4.69    20,789    4.53   
 Academic Degree Holder & Higher 8,158    3.45    12,391    5.57    20,549    4.48   
 Not Stated 1,439    0.61    1,504    0.68    2,943    0.64   
 Total 236,147    100.00    222,335    100.00    458,482    100.00   


B. Labor Force

From 1998, Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) was decreased by 8.3 percent despite the increase in the total labor force (15 years old and over).  About 60 percent of the total labor population were between 15-20 years old.  Of those employed, 18 percent were visibly underemployed or those who worked less than 40 hours a week and wanted additional hours of work (see table 3).

Table 3.  Labor Force Participation Rate (Thousands)


January 2001

April 2000

April 1998


Rate (%)


Rate (%)


Rate (%)

 Total Labor Force (15 yrs old & Over) 386    100.00    356    100.00    348    100.00   
 Labor Force Participation Rate 283    73.40    237    66.70    261    75.00   
 Employment Rate 264    93.40    209    88.20    242    92.70   
 Unemployment Rate 19    6.60    28    11.80    19    7.30   
 Visible Underemployment Rate 49    18.60    38    18.10    44    18.30   

B.1 Level of Distribution

More than half (55 percent) of the population 15 years old and over who worked at anytime in the past year were engaged in agriculture, hunting and forestry.  Those who were engaged in services (16.6 percent) constituted the next largest percentage.  Those engaged in fishing made up 14.4 percent, while those involved in trade, 8.5 percent, and manufacturing, 3 percent.  Of the population 15 years old and over who worked at anytime in the past year the males constituted 63.67 percent while the females at 36.33 percent.

B.2 Employment Category

Almost five out of ten (46.1 percent) persons 15 years old and over who worked at anytime in the past year worked as self-employed without any paid employee.  Those who worked without pay in own family operated farm (27.8%) made up the next largest percentage.

The proportion of females (48.3 percent) who worked without pay in own family-operated farm or business was higher than that of males (16 percent).  Likewise, the proportion of those that worked for private households (domestic services) was higher for females than for males (5.7 percent against 1.6 percent).

The proportion of those who worked for private business/enterprise/farm was higher among males (16.1 percent) than among females (6.5 percent).  Those who were self- employed  were also higher for males (56.9 percent) than for females (27.3 percent).


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