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The Bagolan festival of Paranas, Samar
The BAGOLAN Festival of Paranas

C. Festivals

In the city of Calbayog and some towns in Samar celebrate its festival aside from its town fiesta every year. Other towns the fiesta is celebrated together with the town festival, while others celebrate it separately. However, during the Samar Day Celebration, all municipalities are welcome to participate in the contest of festivals during the parade wherein the participants tried their best to get the winning prize. Colorful costumes and dances can be seen in the parade.

Municipal/City Festivals and Fiestas

City / Municipality Festival Fiesta
   1. Almagro


   May 5
   2. Basey    Banigan-Kawayan    September 29
   3. Calbayog City    Sarakiki, Charter Day Foundation    September 8 / October 16
   4. Calbiga    Pahoy-Pahoy    May 25
   5. Catbalogan City    Mangirisda, Pintados    August 24
   6. Daram    Daramsiyaw    January 15
   7. Gandara    Karabaw    September 29
   8. Hinabangan


   May 1
   9. Jiabong


   May 17
 10. Marabut    Kinarawgan    January 15
 11. Matuguinao    Pamugas Matuguinaonon    May 15
 12. Motiong    Sadok    December 8
 13. Pagsanghan


   February 22
 14. Paranas


   June 29
 15. Pinabacdao    Mayaw-Mayaw    May 10
 16. San Jorge

   Kuratsa de Arnis

   May 15
 17. San Jose de Buan    Manobo    January 15
 18. San Sebastian    Pasayan    September 29
 19. Sta. Margarita    Alimango    July 25
 20. Sta. Rita    Patiklos    May 15
 21. Sto. Niño    Los Viajeros    January 15
 22. Tagapul-an


   June 12
 23. Talalora


   July 25
 24. Tarangnan


   October 4
 25. Villareal


   August 30
 26. Zumarraga    Kima-Kima    June 13


D. The Pride of Samar

ALMAGRO - Known for its goat-raising industry and native ipil-ipil trees.
BASEY - Known for its woven mats, wall decorations, etc.
CALBIGA - The land of beautiful women, homemade delicacies like "piñato", "torta", "pastilles de pili". Also noted for its native wine "tuba".
CATBALOGAN - The metropolis of the province; the center of commerce and industry.
DARAM - A rich fishing ground of the province known for Carpas and Lapu-lapu.
GANDARA - Noted for cottage cheese, "kisiyo", the rice granary of the province.

- Popular for its copper and coal mines and other natural resources.

JIABONG - Noted for "tahong" a nutritious seafood.
MARABUT - The place of the famous J Barin plywood factory. Also noted for its logging concession.
MOTIONG - The town of the well known "Tabo", a weekly market day where products from the mountain are exchanged with products for its lowlands.
MATUGUINAO - A town in the hinterlands of the province, noted for rice production.
PAGSANGHAN - A costal town rich in "alimango".
PARANAS - The site of SAMELCO plant, famous for its native delicacies "cuchinta" and "puto".
PINABACDAO - A farmland for rice production and other root crops.
SAN JORGE - Famous for its seed farm and nursery of different fruit trees. The place of the "calinayan" a local variety of rice.
SAN JOSE DE BUAN - The place of origin of heart of Samar Island where its highest mountain :Mt. Huraw" is found.
SAN SEBASTIAN - Known for its abundance in crabs and shrimps and processed crab meat.
STA. MARGARITA - One of the cleanest town in the province and noted for its small-scale fiber craft industry.
STA. RITA - Situated in the mouth of San Juanico Strait noted for copra, root crops and woven mats.
STO. NIÑO - An island municipality abundant in seafoods.
TAGAPUL-AN - The island of citrus fruits and varied orchids.
TALALORA - Another fishing ground of the province.
TARANGNAN - Catholic pilgrims "Mecca" where the miraculous image of St. Francis of Assisi shrine; famous for jellyfish and prawn for export.
VILLAREAL - Noted for its hospitable people, priest, musician, and other professionals. The town of homemade delicacies like "curioso", "de caña" and "rosquites".
ZUMARRAGA - One of the cleanest towns of the province, rich fishing ground.


Watch The Mutya Han Samar Beauty Pageants

E. Festival of Festivals

UWAY Festival


SADUKAN Festival




TAHONG Festival


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